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A message from Grey Power Electricity CEO, Gary Holden

Reflecting on 2018

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Gary Holden, Grey Power Electricity’s CEO and the team at Grey Power Electricity would like to take this time to thank our customers and mention some of the memorable moments of 2018.

This year, we have seen a large increase in the number of customers joining Grey Power Electricity and we are now proud to provide over 20,000 Grey Power households with electricity and gas. Grey Power members who have signed up to Grey Power Electricity have received an average saving of $10 per month over their previous supplier; this equivalent to over $2 million in aggregate savings for members! Grey Power Electricity customers have also enjoyed the comfort that prices have been capped since 2013 and are promised to remain capped until 31 March 2020.

Gary has thoroughly enjoyed speaking at many Grey Power association meetings this year, informing members of his vision for Grey Power Electricity and the future of the industry. Gary touched on the government’s Electricity Pricing Review and predicted that problems in the industry, such as the practice of the empty promise of Prompt Payment Discounts, non-transparent bills and unfair pricing for low users (as they pay more per kWh than large users) could well be fixed after the review.

Since Grey Power Electricity’s commencement, our competitors have all been pressured to improve electricity prices across the country. Almost every member that has explored switching to Grey Power Electricity has discovered they can lower their energy costs. Switching to Grey Power Electricity provides the added benefit of additional funding coming into Grey Power; a real win-win scenario.

Next year, Grey Power Electricity customers can expect to have access to some exciting new products and benefits, so watch this space!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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